What does everyone take to work with them every day, but few people have been trained in how to use or manage it?
Typically, what is the root cause of most problems and challenges within teams or businesses?
This is our specialty!
Profile for Individuals
Based on the results of a comprehensive questionnaire, a detailed report is prepared describing your personality, to enhance your career success and personal contentment.
If you are an organization and want to utilize this system for Employee Development or Applicant Selection, please contact Services for Success, Inc. at info@servicesforsuccess.com.
Winslow Research Institute has provided its Behavior Assessment Systems to organizations, professional sports teams and individuals for over 40 years. Personal coaching organizations including Franklin Covey, Professional Education Institute and others, leading authors like Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Canfield, Steven Covey, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, and hundreds of coaches utilize the Winslow Reports in their programs.
Your Winslow Report is prepared from the results of the Winslow Dynamics Profile, a validated personality assessment instrument that measures 24 personality traits. This comprehensive profile measures the 24 personality characteristics related to career success and personal contentment. The profile is web-based, user-friendly, and enables you to complete the profile at your location and convenience. The profile takes less than one hour to complete, and your results are available on the Internet shortly after the profile is complete. From the results of your profile a 45 to 55 page report will be created that presents objective information on your personality, behavior and attitudes. With this information you can capitalize on your personality assets, modify your personality, and control your behavior. The results will help you achieve success in your career and contentment in your personal lifestyle. In addition to personal development, your report can be used for premarital preparation, enhance marriage and family relations, and other applications.
“Each of us is different from everyone else in this world because of personality. And it is personality more than anything in this world that is going to determine how successful you are in your career and how content you are going to be in your personal life.”
— William J. Winslow